Adel Rezvanov

Frontend Developer


Frontend developer with over four years of successful experience working in Agile teams using the SCRUM methodology. My goal is to create modern user interfaces based on advanced technologies and best practices in web development. I have deep knowledge in the field of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as expertise in working with React and related libraries. Special attention is paid to issues of performance, adaptability, and cross-browser compatibility. Ready to actively participate in dynamic projects and constantly strive for personal and professional development in the field of frontend development.


06/2021 - NOW

( 2 years 5 months )

Frontend Developer

tech-stack & skills:

  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • RTK Query
  • Typescript
  • Git
  • SCSS
  • AntDesign
  • Agile
  • React Hook Forms
  • i18next
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Websockets
  • Webpack
  • Storybook
  • Jest
  • i18next
  • Github actions
  • Husky
  • React Hook Forms
  • JWT

Noveo Group

( Saint Petersburg, Russia )

B2B portal development. Senior frontend developer. Agile team of 5 people.

  • -   Designed the project architecture in accordance with the Feature Sliced Design methodology, which provides a modular structure and ease of codebase maintenance.
  • -   Configured a scalable Webpack configuration for optimized resource build and bundling, ensuring fast application loading.
  • -   Integrated and configured plugins to improve the development process, including Babel, ESLint, Prettier, and others, ensuring stable and consistent code.
  • -   Implemented lazy loading of application pages and state modules using React.lazy and React Suspense, increasing performance and improving the user experience.
  • -   Covered 80% of the application with unit tests using the Jest library, ensuring reliable code coverage with tests and preventing errors.
  • -   Implemented visual components in Storybook, presenting 95% of the interface elements, which contributes to the convenient viewing and testing of components.

Worked in an Agile team of 20+ people on an internet application - a highly customizable employee management system. The project has been in production for more than 4 years.

  • -   Converted React class components to functional, increasing application performance by 15% and improving codebase structure.
  • -   Optimized the application state management system from container architecture on classic Redux to Redux Toolkit, which resulted in a 30% reduction in code size.
  • -   Optimized state and event handling in functional components, resulting in a 20% reduction in processor load and improved overall application responsiveness.
  • -   Developed a UI library of reusable components while simultaneously implementing a new application design on the AntDesign library.
  • -   Converted application forms to forms using the React Hook Forms library and validation using Yup, which reduced the codebase by 40% and accelerated form validation development by 50%.
  • -   Participated in code reviews and consultations on the transition to functional components, helping colleagues improve their skills and implement best practices.

12/2019 - 05/2021

( 1 year 5 months )

Frontend Developer

tech-stack & skills:

  • Webpack
  • React
  • Redux
  • SCSS
  • Redux Forms
  • Typescript
  • Gitlab
  • Material UI
  • i18next

ExpoForum International

( Saint Petersburg, Russia )

Worked in an Agile team of 8 people: developed a volunteer registration and selection management system from scratch for international competitions.

  • -   Developed a news block and a notification system for users based on the provided design.
  • -   Developed 30% of reusable user interface components using React, Redux, and Material UI.
  • -   Configured the validation system for a multi-step application form.
  • -   Collaborated with the designer and colleagues to adapt the Material UI interface to the needs of the project, ensuring compliance with the corporate style.
  • -   Actively participated in the implementation of the functionality of internationalization of the application in the components of the application I developed.
  • -   Actively participated in sprint planning, daily standups, and retrospectives, ensuring effective interaction and achievement of goals.

02/2018 - 11/2019

( 1 year 9 months )

Web Developer

tech-stack & skills:

  • ReactJS
  • GatsbyJS
  • GraphQL
  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Netlify API
  • WordPress API


( Surgut, Russia )

The company provided services for the development and maintenance of websites. Worked alone.

  • -   Developed a website for a company for additional professional education on the GatsbyJS framework.
  • -   Used WordPress API as backend.
  • -   Connected and configured the site display system for people with disabilities.
  • -   Developed a website for a service company on the GatsbyJS framework.
  • -   Integrated and configured the Netlify CMS content management system via the GraphQL interface.


11/2017 - NOW

Web Developer

Online courses (Udemy, YouTube, online schools)

( Online )

Studied a wide range of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Typescript, as well as frameworks and libraries such as React, NextJS, and Node.js. Regularly worked on my own projects to consolidate the knowledge gained and gain experience. In practice, I created projects taking into account architectural principles, applying component separation, layer planning, and a scalable structure. Mastered the skills of decomposing complex tasks into smaller modules, contributing to more efficient development and maintenance

09/1999 - 05/2005

Bachelor of Engineering

Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen

( Tyumen, Russia )

During my studies, I mastered the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for successful work in the field of maintenance and repair of technical systems.